Adak Island Site
200,000 tonnes / year ammonia production
In service by 2031
Located in the Aleutian Islands, Adak is the Western most U.S. Port and was the site of a military base from World War II until 1998. It is an ideal site for ammonia production and export:
- It is only seven days’ shipping distance to Japan and eight days to South Korea from Adak versus 11 days from Australia, more than 20 days from the Middle East, and a month from the U.S. Gulf Coast. In addition, there is no “Panama Canal risk” of delays serving Asia.
- As the Northern Sea Route and the Northwest Passage become usable more of the year, it can serve European customers on a seasonal basis competitive with ammonia exporters in the Gulf of Mexico.
Much of the infrastructure left by the military is usable with some repairs, including housing, fuel storage, power grid, roads, and a dock. The airport has regular commercial air service from Anchorage.
Called the “birthplace of the winds” by native peoples, Adak has excellent wind energy resources, and potential geothermal energy which we are evaluating.